Thursday, February 26, 2009


      "The role of teaching and learning is actually reversed in the thinking of the world.  The reversal is characteristic.  It seems as if the teacher and the learner are separated, the teacher giving something to the learner rather than to himself.  Further, the act of teaching is regarded as a special activity, in which one engages only a relatively small proportion of one's time.  The course, on the other hand, emphasizes that to teach is to learn, so that teacher and learner are the same.  It also emphasizes that teaching is a constant process; it goes on every moment of the day, and continues into sleeping thoughts as well." - A Course In Miracles - Manual for Teachers

     I do wish I still had my copy of "A Course In Miracles" on the shelf; going to have to get another copy.  I am experiencing so many miracles these days; love is pouring from my heart and coming back from others.  I suppose some of the learnings from the "Manual for Teachers" that had been long forgotten have miraculously been given to me again. 
     Yes, I am humble, and caring.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Our Collective Opportunity to Change World

I strongly encourage you to view this short video by James Arthur Ray: