Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Call to Raise The Consciousness of Our Planet

A Call to Conscious Evolution
Sponsored by: Evolutionary Leaders
The Obama administration has contacted the Evolutionary Leaders Counsel to solicit a visionary
statement on how to transform our planet. Their brilliant response is below. If these luminous
principles resonate with you, please copy the link below into your computer web browser
to sign on as a supporter of their letter of intent.
President Obama asked that any statement made by the Counsel be supported by at least
10,000 signatures; the goal is 100,000.  Our current count is over 35,000.  We can gather at least a million signatures, since we Cultural Creatives now comprise one-fourth of the U.S. adult population! So please spread the news.
As the Hopi Elders predicted, that "We are the ones we've been waiting for." Now it's time
for us to stand up and be counted.

Statement By the Evolutionary Leaders
The human family is in the midst of the
most significant transformation of consciousness
since its emergence in Africa over one hundred
thousand years ago. Consciousness has been
evolving for billions of years from the first cell
to us. We are becoming aware that through our
own consciousness the universe can know itself.
This awareness reveals incredible new potential
for our individual and collective humanity.
Simultaneously, we are the first species on
this Earth aware that we can destroy ourselves
by our own action. This may be the greatest
wake-up call to the evolution of consciousness
since the origin of Homo sapiens.
We now realize that we are affecting our
own evolution by everything we do. This knowledge
awakens in us the aspiration to become
more conscious through subjective practices including
meditation, reflection, prayer, intuition,
creativity, and conscious choice making that accelerate
our evolution in the direction of unity
consciousness and inspire us to deeply align our
collective vision.
At this juncture in human history, urgent
global crises challenge us to learn to live sustainably,
in harmony and gratitude with one another
and with the living universe. The changes
required of humanity are broad, deep, and far
reaching. Only by acting swiftly and creatively
can we birth a planetary culture that will bring
well-being to every form of life in the Earth community.
The good news is that a compelling new
story of our potential as a whole human species
is emerging - a story of collaboration, citizen action,
dialogue and new understandings propelled
by unprecedented levels of democratic freedom,
multicultural exchange, and access to communication
technologies. It is nothing less than the
story of our collective evolution.
We recognize that the inner and outer aspects
of life evolve together. A dramatic awakening
in consciousness will involve an equally
dramatic shift in outward aspects of our lives. In
particular, we see the following as vital opportunities
for our conscious evolution, both personally
and collectively:
Cultivating a Paradigm of Aliveness: We regard
the universe as deeply alive and conscious
by nature. In a living universe, our sense of subtle
connection and participation with life around us
is the basis for a compassionate and cooperative
approach to living.
Educating for an Evolving Consciousness:
Awakening consciousness is the foundation for all
the change we seek to see in the world. We can
work to elevate our capacity for conscious reflection
and creative action in our personal lives
as well as our collective lives as communities. We
must support research and educational strategies
that optimize human capacities and explore the
nature of consciousness.
Restoring Ecological Balance: The balance
of planetary ecosystems is fundamental to our
survival. We must reverse the pollution of our
global commons - the water, air and soil that
nourish all life. We must encourage the proliferation
of clean, renewable energy sources and expend
all necessary resources toward mitigating
the effects of climate change.
Encouraging Conscious Media: We must find
innovative ways to use the new electronic media
as the mirror of our positive evolutionary story,
investing in their capacity to reach across differences
of generation, culture, religion, wealth, and
gender to build a working consensus about our
collective future.
Engaging in Social and Political Transformation:
More sustainable ways of living will require
the support of a more conscious democracy and
vibrant civil society from which more enlightened
leaders will emerge. All individuals should be encouraged
to use their gifts to create participatory,
responsible and compassionate models of governance.
Working for Integrity in Commerce: Conscious
businesses that are aware of the scope,
depth, and long-range impacts of their actions
are key to achieving sustainability. Business must
become an ethical steward of the Earth's ecology
and consciously establish an economic basis for a
future of equitably shared abundance.Promoting
Health and Healing: The science of mind-bodyspirit
health has demonstrated the profound connection
between the health of a whole person
and the health of the system in which he or she
lives. Whole systems healing, respecting both traditional
knowledge and modern sciences, must
be supported in physical, social, and spiritual domains.
Building Global Community: The new story
is about all of us who share this planet. Together,
we can create a culture of peace that eliminates
the need for armed conflict, respecting and appreciating
the glorious diversity of our human
Our group has done its best to articulate
possibilities for the evolution of consciousness
at this crucial moment in time. Please reflect on
this document, feel what resonates in your being
and calls forth a response on your part. We
invite you to discuss it with others, continuing this
global conversation by adding to it the wisdom
that is uniquely your own.Together, let us co-create
a new narrative of conscious evolution that is
a call to individual and collective action, birthing
the most significant transformation of consciousness
in history.
Join in the Call to Conscious Evolution by
signing the pledge now. See what others are saying,
sign the petition and/or write your own comments:

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